When you’re fighting wildfires, you need to focus on your job, not your equipment. You need a comfortable, lightweight wildland fire pack like the FS-1 Ranger wildland fire pack that can be customized to meet your needs. With its ergonomic harness system, adjustable hip belt and Dual Action Stabilizer, this modular wildland fire pack is ideal for long shifts in rugged conditions, allowing you to carry everything you need without pain or strain.
"The quality, comfort, and versatility of this pack is outstanding!! At first i was hesitant as i didn't fully understand the way the adjustments worked!! But after a little messing around with my pack while on fire i found the proper adjustments to where even when carrying around a heavily weighed down pack it felt as if i had little weight!! I love the versatility of this pack!! Thank you Coaxsher for crafting such a multi functional pack!! I would highly recommend this pack to anyone!!"
-Justin Sanchez from Tri-Cities WA.